Friday, May 26, 2017

The Bad, the worse and the ugly

The republican party it would seem has devolved even further in the last few days.  To call it the "knuckle dragging" party would be an insult to actual knuckle draggers.   After assaulting a reporter for having the temerity to ask a question, the GOP candidate for congress in Montana doubled down by not only denying the charge, but implying that somehow the reporter's nose had assaulted his fist.  After winning the contest, he then apologized for body slamming the reporter.  Pathetic.  Meanwhile, doing his best imitation of the classic ugly American, our erstwhile president described Germany as "evil" because they sell millions of cars in the US.  This, after giving lukewarm praise to NATO and failing to commit to the all important Article 5 in the organization's charter which obliges all of the allies to defend any signatory if attacked.  How we will survive 3 more years of this is the big question now facing the country.

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