Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The "We're all in this togehter" fallacy

The Divine Mrs. M was curious when I started yelling at the television last night as a clip of a maudlin Jimmy Kimmel begged us to all get together and make sure health insurance is available for everyone.    The occasion was the surgery on his newborn sun to correct a heart condition.  I sympathize with him and wish his family the best health care possible.  However, he, and all the other "both siders" and "lets get together" celebrities and pundits need to apportion the praise and blame to the correct parties.  Democrats fought for generations to expand health care and the social safety net in general to as many people as possible.  Republicans have fought this expansion from the time of the New Deal until today.  As the Kabuki posturing in the House of Representatives plays out today, the only thing Paul Ryan, the zombie eyed granny starver from Wisconsin, wants is to pass a travesty of a bill which will deny health coverage to tens of millions of people and enact defacto "death panels" who will decide if children like Kimmel's son will receive life giving care or be denied due to pre-existing conditions.  So, please don't play the both sides do it game.   You only provide cover for those who would make this a less generous and caring nation.   That is why I was yelling at the TV.

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