Unless a few republicans discover their inner humanity today, the GOP controlled House will vote on what is commonly known as Zombie Trumpcare. Although not scored by the Congressional Budget Office and uniformly opposed by every organization composed of medical professionals, Paul Ryan, aka the zombie eyed granny starver from Wisconsin will try to ram this bill through so Cheeto Jesus can proclaim a legislative victory. Trump seems not to know or care that this bill will disproportionally hurt the voters who propelled him to victory in November. Of course, anyone who ever followed the career of The Donald knows he has zero empathy for anyone not named Trump. The idiots who are looking for him to provide any sort of political cover for their votes on this cruel bill are in for the same disappointment as his voters. In other words, it looks like we will all be paying for worse care and poorer outcomes. Except for the real beneficiaries of Trumpcare, the .01% who will see their income taxes reduced.
Meanwhile, the scent of grass clippings floated over the grounds of Casa Monzeglio last night. The annual ritual of mowing has begun. From now until the latter part of October the roar of poorly muffled small gasoline engines will be part of the ritual of summer drudgery around here. The weather for the next week at least features frequent showers and perfect grass growing temperatures. I can hardly wait!
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