Thursday, June 29, 2017

The coarsening of civil discourse

Maybe it was eight years of civility under the Obama administration that spoiled me.  The contrast with Shrub's crude simplicity was bracing at first, but then we got used to a higher level of discourse regarding out politics, economy and the ties that bind us together.  Despite a stumble here and there, the population could be confident Obama was telling us the truth to the best of his ability.  From the moment he stepped onto the down escalator at Trump Tower, the present inhabitant of the White House took Obama's policy and stood it on its head.  It has been estimated Trump lies at least several times every day about virtually anything to anybody.   The corrosive effect on the political commonwealth proceeds apace.   No democracy can survive for long when a majority of the population loses trust in its leaders' veracity.  About all we can count on is that the tRump administration will lie and it will be up to us and the media to catalogue the prevarications and call the president and his enablers in Congress to account as soon as possible.

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