Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Supposed Kick A** Republicans

Dating back to our invasion of tiny Grenada during the Reagan administration, GOP presidents have told us to "be afraid, be very afraid" of virtually any actor on the international stage.  Compared to the British stiff upper lip response to terrorism, we have been treated to an American quivering lower lip when it comes to our reaction to an attack on American interests or citizens.  Instead of treating 9/11 like the crime it was, the Shrub and his minions made it a civilization challenge; a showdown between the West and radicalized Islam.   This attitude warms the hearts of munitions makers everywhere, but doesn't really address the problem of backward, authoritarian regimes which export and inspire terrorism.  It becomes a virtuous cycle of western bombing converting locals and muslim citizens of western countries into terrorists whose acts cause republican bed wetters to call for more bombings.  We are descending into a rabbit hole...

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