Thursday, June 22, 2017

same as the old racism

Had the special elections in Georgia and S. Carolina happened in 1936 instead of 2017, the results would have been the same, namely, the party of racism and exclusivity won.  The only difference is the party's name has changed.  Thanks originally to the civil rights movement and Nixon's "southern strategy", racist whites in the south overwhelmingly crossed the aisle and became republicans, thus turning the solid south from a democratic monolith to a republican stronghold.  As the GOP ideology becomes further and further disconnected from reality, their voters fall back on the gut issues which brought them to the party originally.  For most of them, it all goes back to the racism, and fear of the other which republicans stoke.  Let's face it, the democratic party, for better or for worse has become the party of the non-white future of America and the backlash against it continues to build in white America.  Anyone who denies this is not looking in the mirror.

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