Thursday, June 15, 2017

Bitter Harvest

Filed under "reaping the whirlwind".   Every story concerning the unfortunate violent shooting at a congressional baseball practice starts with "Republican members".  The meme which has rapidly developed on the right is this is evidence the resistance to the current policies of the GOP by the left is developing into a terrorist group.  Their evidence; the shooter, an obviously deranged individual made facebook posts savaging the tRump administration and he volunteered for Bernie Sander's campaign.   As more information about James Hodgkinson comes out, it is becoming more and more apparent he was deeply disturbed and should never have had access to guns.  Based on what I have heard, he should have been locked up years ago for assault and attempted murder.  Unfortunately, I am now expecting some copycat to reprise this crime probably with democrats in the crosshairs.  The increased polarization of the political discourse in this country, particularly from the right has normalized hateful behavior.  Just look at Ted Nugent referring to Hillary Clinton as a "bitch" and inviting her to "suck on this", referring to his assault rifle.   Members of society even more unstable than Nugent were bound to start acting out these fantasies at some point.  As I said, it is unfortunate that people were hurt yesterday, but it was predictable.  Now we have to deal with the underlying reasons for the violence.

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