Friday, June 2, 2017

The post truth apocolypse

Relying on bogus numbers and statistics provided by right wing think tanks and organizations, the *president vowed to withdraw the US from the Paris Climate Accords.  It remains to be seen how quickly this can be done, but Cheeto Jesus' main mission was accomplished according to many in his base.  By flying in the face of fact based science and spouting a litany of falsehoods regarding the future of the economy in this country, he pissed off liberals here and around the world.  In this intensely partisan nation we now have become, whatever the opposite of what liberals want is what Trump's base hungers for.  It is truly unfortunate that facts and science seem to have an overwhelmingly liberal bias.  Otherwise, the way forward would be for libtards to advocate for the opposite of what they really want, secure in the knowledge that probably 40% of the population would fight for truth and justice because it would cause heartburn in "elitist" circles.  This is the Bizzaro world of US politics circa 2017.

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