Monday, June 26, 2017

Stormy weather

With a 50% or more chance of rain nearly every day this week, it looks like the garden and associated work will be on hiatus this week.  I scrambled most of the weekend to catch up on seeding, weeding, transplanting and harvesting  and was able to make some progress in that regard.  Unfortunately, a week of off and on again showers will set the entire enterprise back.  The warmer weather and an inch of moisture on Friday boosted the warm weather crops, but it has cooled off and more rain will put the brakes on tomatoes, peppers, basil and other heat lovers.  The galinsoga weeds are in all stages from sprouts to mature plants ready to drop another generation of seeds.  It' s enough to start thinking about politics again and that way lies madness.   Instead, I'll  just hope the weather gods decide to smile on us mortals as we head into July.

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