Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Momentary repreive

Obamacare remains on life support, thanks to Mitch McConnell's decision to postpone a vote on the supposed replacement of Obama's signature legislative achievement.  Also, thanks to Cheeto Jesus' heavy handed attacks on one moderate republican senator due to his opposition to the bill.  McConnell called the attacks by a Trump super PAC "beyond stupid".  If anything, they galvanized the anti-repeal movement and pushed several squishy GOP moderates into opposition of the republican plan to turn back the clock on health care in the name of tax cuts for the wealthy.  In over 6 months, the republican majority congress and the president have been unable to pass any major legislation.  Of course the biggest obstacle is what to do about Obamacare.  The ACA gets more popular as people find out it is what it actually does.  It turns out the republicans are the act's best advocates, since their effort to repeal and not replace key provisions are finally shining a light on the benefits accruing to the lower and middle classes in the country.  Also, local, rural hospitals which would be hurt by the GOP "healthcare" bill are mobilizing their supporters to contact their congress critters.  I'm sure our local representative, Elise Stefanik has heard from hospitals in the 23rd congressional district regarding the hardships the bill she voted  for would impose.   Public pressure seems to be working.

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