Thursday, June 8, 2017

Popcorn time

I know that 10 a.m. is a little early for popcorn, but microwaves around the country will be preparing an early morning treat for millions of Americans as they settle in to hear James Comey pop the Trump presidential bubble.  Comey's testimony is the proverbial straw which will break the camel's back and lead to an even more vigorous investigation of the Trump/Russia connection.  The leak of a NSA paper documenting Russian hacks of our electoral system in the days leading up to the 2016 elections is another damaging revelation.  If anything in this latest bombshell can be linked to the tRump campaign, the administration will be toast.  Meanwhile, Comey will provide new avenues of investigation that even The Donald's most ardent defenders will be unable to excuse.   The more information that comes out means the less the republicans can control what happens.  At a certain point, the crimes and distraction that said crimes represent will become too much for the GOP to bear.   At what point will the leadership in the House and Senate decide to try and preserve their majorities instead of defending the indefensible.  I have a feeling a dip below 30% in Trump's approval rating will have more to do with their decision than the actual evidence.   In the meantime, I hear popcorn futures are a good investment.

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