Friday, June 9, 2017

The turning tide

Beginning with the election of Macron in France, now the humiliating defeat of the Tories in the UK and the steady accumulation of evidence against Cheeto Jesus which will eventually end his Reign of Error, it would seem that many people have turned on their BS meters and are responding to the detection of copious quantities of the aforementioned excreta.   The German elections later this year will be another bellwether indicating the continuing intolerance in the world for right wing ideology.  America may be the hardest convert to a more progressive direction due to the Faux News effect.  When a very large minority of the country is bamboozled on a regular basis with a skewed version of the facts or outright lies, it is difficult for them to admit they have been had.   Fortunately, most of these folks are in the advanced care stage of their lives.   The right wing populism of Trump, LePen and  Farage has a short shelf life.  We can only help hasten the expiration dates.

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