Monday, June 19, 2017

City vs. country

A new poll by the Kaiser Foundation purports to explore the divide between rural and urban America.  According to some, it merely shows the similarities rather than the differences.  Of course the average rural Murcan is impatient with and happy to discomfort the mostly mythical "Libtard" of their conservative imagination.  That was one of Trump's true insights into the character of many in rural America.  He gave them the cover to vent their hatred for a variety of conservative shibboleths in an orgy of political incorrectness.  Blacks, gays, women, immigrants, Muslims; the list goes on until you wonder who is excluded.  Oh, right, it is straight, gun loving racist white people.  However, when you ask these same people what would most benefit their communities, they list infrastructure improvement high above any other concern.  On several other supposedly divisive questions they mostly poll like their city cousins.  However, on the hot button issues, they parrot the overwhelmingly partisan and exclusionary rhetoric pushed for many years by Faux News and right wing talk radio.  It would seem that hate has replaced hope for many in this country.

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