Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Cruel, but usual

In 2017 America, it is a crime to be one or more of the following; poor, pigmented, gay, elderly or a woman.  Combining any of these characteristics increases the severity of the punishment being meted out by the legislative branch of government.  A case in point is the latest iteration of "repeal and replace" now being considered in the Senate.   Slashing Medicaid, Planned Parenthood and subsidies to help the lower middle class afford insurance are all part of the plan.  The scoring of the bill by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office estimates up to 22 million will lose health care by 2026, all in the name of cutting taxes on the 1%.  Instead of trying to defend the actual provisions of the bill, the sponsors have decided to simply lie about it and count on the media to represent their position as legitimate.  Cutting benefits to poor people has always been the modus of the modern republican party, but in the past it was dressed in the sheep's clothing of trickle down economics.  No more.   They are doing it because they can and are daring the average voter to try and stop them.  Elections have consequences.

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