Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tone Deaf Trump

Almost immediately after two black men were killed by police in Oklahoma and North Carolina, The Donald continued his ludicrous "outreach" to African-Americans by advocating the nationwide institution of "stop and frisk" policing.  Perhaps his buddy Rudy Giuliani has been whispering in his ear, extolling the benefits of an unconstitutional and almost certainly racial profiling practice.  How Trump can get in front of a gathering of black pastors and tell them his idea of keeping communities safe is to double down on military style policing is beyond belief.  A Trump presidency would turn the nation's inner cities and poor neighborhoods  into pressure cookers of racism and resentment.  The fact we even have to contemplate that possibility is a sad commentary on the "deplorables" on the "Alt-right" who provide much of the impetus to the modern GOP.  Despite many republicans who have condemned Trump, many more have come home to their nominee.  I wonder what it would take for a majority of the party to repudiate the thrice married, racist demagogue whose only religion is money and self glorification. 

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