Thursday, September 29, 2016

Globalization and the backlash

Despite literally hundreds of statements and incidents which would have disqualified any other candidate for president, Donald Trump continues to stay close to Hillary in the polls.  Many pundits lay this at the feet of Ms. Clinton, saying she is an historically unpopular candidate.  Of course, when she left her post as Secretary of State, she was the most admired woman in America, with a 61% approval rating.  What changed?   I would posit the theory Trump has allowed America's collective Id to express itself.  Why did this bigoted son of privilege become a touchstone for mostly middle aged and elderly white people who are certainly not rich.  Globalization, with its destruction of many middle American communities is certainly to blame for some of it.  The revolution of rising expectations for blacks, latinos, women and the LGBT community is another reason.  Loss of traditional white privilege is another.   Finally, the strategy of a major political party to base its appeal on intolerance has unleashed the forces which led to a demagogic racist as its standard bearer.  It is a complicated stew of economic, social and political misery and we will be dealing with it for decades.  I don't know if Hillary fully understands the Pandora's box republicans have opened, but it will be impossible to shut in the short run.  Her first order of business will be to deal with the wreckage of broken lives that capital mobility has left in its wake.  The very existence of our democracy depends on it.

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