Monday, September 12, 2016

Late summer gardening

Gardening after Labor Day is both satisfying and a little frustrating.  I experienced both feelings during a busy weekend.  The normally harvested items continue to produce.  The warm, dry weather has produced a bumper crop of tasty tomatoes.  The dryness has prevented cracking and concentrated the tomato flavor.  I made a vintage batch of sauce on Sunday for an impromptu family dinner.  Most of the other crops are still doing well, despite the dryness. The heavier soils in my gardens retain moisture fairly well.  The late broccoli and cauliflower are slowing due to lack of rain and the late corn needs one more decent shower.  The lettuce has been outstanding and the peppers may make a late set of small fruit before frost.  The winter squashes are maturing nicely and the late spinach has gotten just enough rain to continue to grow.  I have reluctantly put away the planter and will concentrate on cleaning up the weedier beds in preparation for fall planting of garlic.  Here's hoping for a mild October and long harvest.

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