Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Spinning for fun

Well, the first debate is history, and the post mortems were not kind to the Donald.  After 20 minutes of bluster which could have been plucked from his stump speech, Trump ran into the well prepared responses of Clinton and proceeded to toss a word salad of gibberish at both he and an incredulous Lester Holt.  Pretty much everyone figured he would "wing it" in the debate, much as he did in the republican primary debates.  However, he didn't care or didn't realize what might happen in a one on one encounter with a well prepared opponent.  He managed to put Hillary on the defensive on trade issues, because a simple message that we are being taken advantage of by everyone in the world and somehow he will solve all our problems with a protectionist policy works far better than the nuanced world of international trade.  However, on national defense, his prescription that we provide protection to our allies based on extorting fees from them seemed over the top and incoherent.  By the time nuclear weapons were mentioned, only a diehard supporter could have been comfortable with his tiny fingers on the trigger.  By comparison, Hillary looked and more importantly sounded competent and ready to govern from day one.  My guess is The Donald will blow off the next debates when he sees the morning after reviews of his performance.  No more popcorn before election day.

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