Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's Tomato Time

After teasing me with lush growth for the past couple of months, the tomato crop has really started to produce at an alarming rate.  I picked over 100 lbs. of blush, pink and ripe yesterday and there are plenty more on the way.  Some of the vines have a little early blight, but the majority of the crop is made and just needs to ripen.  Of course I wish we could have started harvesting a month ago, but the weather was cool and dry right after planting and it took several weeks for the crop to really get going.  I probably over fertilized, which caused the aforementioned growth.  However, unlike my eggplants, the tomatoes actually set and grew a good crop.  Unfortunately, everyone in the farmers' market has tons of the tasty fruit, so most of mine will probably wind up as sauce.  I don't think my daughters and their families will be upset by the news!   Meanwhile, in political news, The Donald's trip to Mexico was succinctly captured in a tweet from Rob Reiner. I quote, " We're not sending our best to Mexico.  We're sending liars, we're sending narcissists, we're sending sociopaths".  LOL...

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