Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The latest Hillary tempest

As Lawrence O'Donell pointed out last night, what Hillary voter would switch their vote to Donald Trump even if it was revealed she had a life threatening disease and wouldn't be able to finish a 4 year term?  Conversely, what committed Trump voter would switch to Hillary if their roles were reversed?  None and none are the correct answers.  Both candidates have engaged in punishing work schedules for more than a year now.  If anything, the actual work required by the Presidency will be a vacation by comparison.  It can be argued Clinton has put in more actual work than Trump.  Standing in front of cheering crowds and spewing a mind numbing catalog of egregious falsehood is his stock in trade.  Crafting serious policy agendas and explaining them in literally hundreds of events and interviews is physically and intellectually draining.  Fact free assertions vs. careful policy pronouncements.....hmmm.   Meanwhile, the press will obsess about "transparency" regarding Clinton's health while giving the latest Trump smears and insults pass without comment.  It is fortunate that Trump seems not to be able to expand his "basket of deplorables" beyond 40-42% of the voting public.  Hopefully that is the upper limit of racist, misogynist, xenophobes available to be seduced by The Donald's schtick.

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