Friday, September 2, 2016

Stretch Run

It occurs to me the gardening and election season tend to overlap at this time.  As Labor Day recedes into the rearview mirror, the garden and the campaigns kick into high gear.  For me, it's all about the harvest.  Just about everything is in season in September and the challenge is to pick, sell, preserve and generally get everything possible out of the garden before the inevitable frost.  For Hillary and the Donald it's all about consolidating their bases and appealing to the few, rare, undecided voters.  After that, they have the same problem I do, after cultivating voters for over a year, they have to harvest them.  GOTV is Hillary's forte and Trump's Achille's heel.  Without a dedicated nationwide force of people making sure your voters actually cast a ballot, all those rallies with thousands of screaming fans are fruitless. 

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