Friday, September 9, 2016

The Accumulating lies

I think the media, led by the Washington Post and the NYT , is about to start calling out the outrageous lie that is the heart of the Trump campaign.  The constant BS from The Donald is finally wearing down the "Both sides do it", meme that has so far characterized the race.   The WaPo finally admitted the e-mail "scandal" it had been peddling for months is dead.  After Colin Powell's e-mails to Hillary, ironically proved that both sides do do it sometimes, the press decided it didn't want to go down that path.  Meanwhile, the Miami Herald and the Tampa Bay Times are calling for a federal prosecutor to investigate Trump's contribution to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi's campaign shortly after it was announced her office would be investigating Trump University.   Within days of the contribution, Bondi's office quashed any idea of an investigation.  Talk about smoking guns!  Had anything like this been tied to Clinton, her campaign would be over.  However, I think the accumulation has finally taken its toll.

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