Monday, September 26, 2016

The King is Dead

After playing a round of golf with friends yesterday, I got home and found out Arnold Palmer had died.  There are very few Americans of any age, but certainly almost no baby boomers who have not heard of "The King", even if they never hit a golf ball or followed the game.  Growing up, I was in the latter category.  I viewed golf as a waste of 4-5 hours of a weekend.  Nonetheless, I knew of "Arnie's Army" as his legions of followers were called.  My grandfather, who never picked up a club as far as I know watched TV golf in retirement and cited Palmer.  He popularized what had been an elitist sport (and still is in the main) and encouraged many middle class men and women to begin to play the sport as a lifestyle.  I hope to be able to get my grandchildren to share my obsession.  It all began with a working man from Latrobe, Pa. with the common touch who affected millions with his humble attitude and charismatic play.  Long live the King!

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