Friday, September 23, 2016

Losing it

Most liberals who are tuned into this election are losing their you know what as the first presidential debate nears.  The commentariat on the left is either trying to lower expectations for Clinton or pre-emptively working the refs to insure Hillary gets some credit for focusing on issues instead of "scandals", which we know is all Trump has to offer.  If Roger Ailes has anything to do with The Donald's debate prep, it will be a fact free performance.  Paul Krugman in the NYT is begging reporters to do their job and report each lie from both sides.  He quotes a study from Politifact which examined over 250 statements from each candidate.  Trump lied at least 4 times as often as Clinton and yet due almost entirely to media coverage she is perceived as dishonest.  What kind of rabbit hole have we fallen into?  I'm afraid the darkest predictions are liable to be borne out on Monday.  Unless Trump jumps over the podium and starts to strangle Hillary he will be judged "Presidential" by a mostly credulous press.  Unless Hillary reworks the sermon on the mount, there will be "lingering questions" regarding her honesty.  America....I love this place!

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