Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Panic attacks and Clinton

The latest round of polls shows an uptick in Hillary's numbers.  That is still not enough to quiet the growing panic among casual democrats.  Now they are worried that somehow the insult comedian will pull off an upset in Monday's "debate" because about all he has to do to win is remain upright and spew his usual word salad.  He is absolutely graded on a curve, but I think in the case of an actual head to head encounter, Clinton's cool demeanor will eventually rattle him to the point he will make a gaffe even he can't be excused.  I think if he fails to rattle her, desperation will goad him to a lie even his most avid supporters will have to call out.  I think the issue of his taxes, the Trump Foundation and his overseas business dealings are more than enough ammunition for Clinton to destroy The Donald.  So calm down and get the popcorn ready.

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