Monday, September 19, 2016

Got to make the sauce

Like that tired baker in the old Dunkin Donuts commercial who had to make the donuts, with the abundance of tomatoes in the garden, I had to make the sauce.  This year I grew a few San Marzano tomato plants and the results are nothing short of amazing!  The plants are literally carpeted with tomatoes and they are practically dehydrating on the vine.   Squeezing these fruits is like making tomato paste.  It is that thick.  Yesterday's batch may be the best I have ever made.  Despite or possibly because of the lack of rain, the tomatoes are concentrating their flavor.  It is a vintage year.  Unfortunately the same cannot be said of much of the rest of the garden.  The lettuce continues to grow sans moisture, but the late broccoli and cauliflower could use a drink.  I watered the spinach plantings from late August and early September in hopes they will produce before the frost.  The late corn produced ears, but they are markedly smaller than earlier plantings.  The eggplant and peppers are still blossoming, but it will be too late to produce more fruit.  As with every garden, there are winners and losers.  On balance, this year will be remembered for the sauce.

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