Friday, September 16, 2016

Birther in Chief

During an interview with a reporter from the Washington Post, the insult comedian running for the Presidency of the US refused to categorically state that the current president was born in Hawaii.  Trump made his political reputation, such as it is, as the spokesman for the "Birther" movement.  This fringe of the American electorate, which includes many of his supporters today, wants to believe that somehow Obama is illegitimate because he was born in a foreign country.  Trump fanned the flames from 2011 until recently.  He demanded the President produce his birth certificate and aided by the right wing media, the uproar grew so loud, the certificate was duly produced.  This quieted most people, but Trump continued to allege the documentation was somehow bogus.  A fairly large slice of his supporters base their allegiance to him on this issue.  For him to admit Obama's legitimacy could be interpreted by these fools as a betrayal.  Therefore Trump must feel he will pay a price for his acceptance of reality.  I can't wait for the first presidential debate, when he is asked in front of tens of millions of people to affirm the President's birthplace.  That is one reason why I think we will not see a debate in this election.

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