Wednesday, September 28, 2016

It's Roger Ailes world and we have to live in it

A weird alternate reality took hold on nearly half of America in the wake of the first Presidential debate.  While a pretty large majority of those who actually watched the debate came away impressed by Hillary's performance and depressed that one of the two major parties could possibly have nominated The Donald as its candidate.  Then, overnight, the "Fox effect" came into play.  Trump appeared on several shows and claimed the Drudge report certified him as the winner.  Limbaugh chimed in and a tidal wave of right wing websites suddenly found their voices and proceeded to tell their credulous supporters they could believe the latest black is white, up is down theory of public debate.  This scenario has been decades in the making, beginning with Roger Ailes vision of Fox News as a vehicle for hijacking the news and substituting an ideologically slanted version of it.  Hiring many committed conservatives and encouraging them to present their sometimes bizarre views as truth to an equally committed audience of mostly older white folks who looked on changing social mores with horror.  These people get virtually all their information from Fox and other fringe outlets and live in a bubble where anything Democrats propose is work of the devil.  The rest of the reality based media are equally horrified by this dichotomy, but until the bubble the mostly white, mostly older consumers of Faux News live in is punctured, we will continue to live in a world where truth is a malleable commodity and interpretation is everything.

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