Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Tea Pot Tempests

Listening to Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe is probably preferable to incarceration at Guantanamo, but having not experienced the hospitality of the US government, I can't say with certainty which torture I would choose.  The bloviation of the "personalities" who pass through the green room is harmless at best and toxic to normal conversation on a regular basis.  Listening to the host lie outright about the Clinton e-mail "scandal" is a trip on the wayback machine to the late 90s when he chased Bill Clinton's penis around the capital.  To answer the classic question, no, he has no shame!  The scary thing is Morning Joe is the mildest of the right wing talk shows.  Considering the rest of the MSNBC lineup, it is still a wonder the show hogs 3 hours of broadcast time.

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