Monday, September 14, 2015

The Daily Disappointment

American media for the most part has abdicated its role in social and political discourse.  From the Iranian Nuclear deal to the refugee crisis in Europe, coverage has been conspicuous by its vacuous dependence on talking heads with an agenda.  Instead of educating the public on these issues, whole forests have been destroyed to tell us about Donald Trump.  In the case of the NYT, it is Hillary's e-mail adventures.  When the media has deigned to tackle the tough issues it has in the main been dismissive of them.  It is no wonder the American people seem so insular and unresponsive to international events.  When an adulterous county clerk in Kentucky  can command nationwide coverage of her hypocritic bigotry for a week, it is a sorry commentary on news coverage in general and the media's lack of respect for the average citizen.  I hope for better, but am prepared for worse.

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