Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Refugees and hypocricy

The plight of poor Kim Davis, the county clerk who refuses to issue marriages to gay couples has probably generated more news coverage in the US than the flight of hundreds of thousands of refugees from the fighting in Syria and Iraq.  The thought that we would waste precious time worrying about a hypocritical adulterer when that many people have life and death problems turns my stomach.   As the Divine Mrs. M pointed out, the 10 commandments prohibit adultery, but say nothing about gay marriage.  Ms. Davis, a serial adulterer by biblical standards, will probably not begged to be stoned to death, the approved biblical punishment for that particular transgression.  Why do we even pay attention to this BS.  A more pointed question is how we will react to the refugee crisis.   I have not heard anyone from either party offering to take in a fraction of the number Germany has already welcomed.  Christian nation indeed...

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