Friday, September 18, 2015

Lies, distortions and videotape

The luxury of modern technology means we don't have to listen to 3 hours of bloviation from the passengers in the republican clown car.  We can listen to fact checkers and commenters from across the political spectrum to get the "inside baseball" analysis of who said what and if it was even remotely true.  It turns out, not surprisingly, that lies, distortions and attacks on Donald Trump were the order of the night.  Fiorina, aside from a one liner aimed at Trump's reference to her personal appearance, indulged in a fantasy of her personal history.  Coming from a comfortable upper class background, she, with a lot of assistance from family connections, cracked glass ceilings all the way to HP where she presided over an unmitigated disaster.  As Paul Krugman pointed out this morning, the foreign policy prescriptions of most candidates are "demented".  Mostly they expect the threat of American military power to enable them to dictate terms to friend and foe alike.  We saw how that worked in Iraq!  The thought that any of these ciphers could actually lead the free world is profoundly disturbing.  I would love to see a debate among the contenders from both parties.  With Bernie and Hillary on the same stage, at least it wouldn't be a fact free performance.

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