Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Mixed signals

President Obama flew into Alaska to deliver a sermon about the urgent challenges posed by climate change.  All well and good, except the administration had just approved Shell Oil's bid to drill in the Arctic Ocean.  Mixed signals at best.  The juxtaposition of the two events caused whiplash in the environmental community of activists who naturally question the President's commitment to the fight against climate change.  Although not explicitly, the major oil companies were applauding sotto voce.  As with most of Mr. Obama's policies, I hope he is once again playing eleven dimensional chess while his opponents struggle with checkers.  Perhaps he is banking on Shell's ineptitude at drilling.  After failing miserably last year and being delayed again this year by mechanical problems and protests, the oil company is ripe for an accident.  Even a minor glitch could conceivably kill Ocean drilling before a major accident fouls the northern waters for decades.  The Exxon Valdez accident of the 80s comes to mind.  Meanwhile, the Obama administration pledges to fight hard for the environment and against climate change as it fades in to the 2016 sunset.  Let's hope for the sake of future generations he succeeds.

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