Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Didn't post yesterday as the Divine Mrs. M and I were traveling after a weekend in the NY metro area.  We met friends for dinner in Manhattan on Saturday and cheered the Yankees on Sunday.  A visit to the city is always invigorating.  The shifting patterns of the human tapestry that makes up New York is a fascinating study.   Our visit followed on the heels of Pope Francis' whirlwind tour, and coincided with the opening of the UN General assembly and the Global Citizen festival in Central Park.  Any one of these events would have overwhelmed most cities, but New York took it in stride and except for a few street closures it was business as usual.  The incredible ethnic variety of the population and neighborhoods, even as far out as the suburbs in Connecticut where we stayed overnight are the strength of the area.  Back on the NCR, it is a pretty homogenous racial scene by comparison.  We're back, but the lingering effects of the visit will be with us for some time. 

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