Friday, September 4, 2015

GOP trumped again

The Donald signed the pledge of allegiance to the Republican party yesterday and of course every media outlet had to dissect the motives and end games of the party and it's putative standard bearer.  For some, this was a triumph for the party.   By getting Trump to forswear a third party run, it preserves unity and avoids the specter of a third party candidacy which would doom its election prospects.  For the contrarians it was a takeover of the party by the lunatic fringe in the person of Trump.  By embracing him and legitimizing his brand of know nothing, anti-immigrant and policy free campaigning it has firmly tied the party's fate to the lowest common denominator.  This rapidly aging white male base is fated to get smaller and smaller, making the GOP weaker at best and probably irrelevant by the middle of the century.  Personally, I think Trump will treat this pledge as so much toilet paper and do whatever his evolving strategy dictates.  Either way, republicans are in for a wild ride as the election cycle really kicks in to gear.  Popcorn anyone...

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