Tuesday, September 22, 2015

More room in the clown car

It must be a diesel powered Jetta, by the way...  Scott Walker exited in a somewhat confused fashion, claiming he was leading by example and exhorting fellow candidates to drop out so somehow everyone could focus on an alternative to The Donald.  Given the egos involved, I have a feeling this advice will be ignored by most of the remaining inmates in this cage match.  I think Walker's exit had more to do with the Koch brothers cutting their losses after seeing their pet politician flounder through the first couple of debates.  His performance in campaign events couldn't have inspired much confidence either.  What the rigors of the competition for the republican nomination revealed is a calculating politician with little imagination and no interest in policy that is not driven by the needs of his funders.   That this cipher should have even entered the race shows the power of a Koch fueled party.   In a normal year, Walker might have gone much further in the race, but Trump and to a lesser extent Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina stole much of his material and continue the fact free campaign most republican primary voters are seeming to demand.

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