Thursday, September 17, 2015

Ugly Americans

The spectacle of Dallas police handcuffing a 14 year old for the crime of constructing a clock and bringing it to school was pathetic enough.   The more worrisome aspect of the whole debacle was the fact the boy's teachers reported him to the police.  What does this say about our education system and the people who run it?  The fact the student was brown skinned and Muslim probably had far more to do with the police involvement than virtually anyone was willing to admit.  Despite the shout out from the White House and generally favorable press treatment, it was and is an ugly situation which speaks volumes about the character of America today.   Meanwhile, the republican candidates for president tried to outdo each other in catering to this anti-immigrant sentiment, at least from what I was able to read this morning.  I would prefer a colonoscopy without anesthesia to watching those debates.  According to the inmates at Morning Joe, Carly Fiorina acquitted herself well, while most of the rest of the candidates tried to whittle down The Donald.  Of course even that reporting is suspect considering the source.  Where is John Stewart when we need him.

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