Friday, September 25, 2015

VW and regulatinos

The spectacle of Volkswagen admitting to blatant cheating on emission standards in order to gain sales in the US is more than a little disturbing.  Most of us play by the rules and expect everyone else to also observe them.  Unfortunately, something about the modern corporate structure seems to encourage rule breaking on a massive scale.  From GE dumping PCBs in the Hudson to GM ignoring an ignition switch problem which killed people to VW actively breaking rules and deceiving regulators, ordinary people were involved in lawlessness they probably would not have tolerated in their private lives.  Republicans want to do away with most regulations, leading they say to increased efficiency and more production.  Recent discoveries of wrongdoing on a massive scale by corporations argue instead for increased regulation and perhaps a look at ways we can encourage whistleblowers to step forward and reveal corporate crime.  I don't know if the myriad investigations will kill VW, but a message needs to be sent to people in corporations.  Don't break the law and expect no consequences.

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