Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Bernie and Hillary

A socialist or a woman president.  The history making possibilities are endless for democrats.  However, instead of celebrating this confluence of historical candidacies, the powers that be are running in hysterical circles wondering how they can entice Joe Biden, a thorough going white party hack, to get into the race.  I guess these mostly white, mostly middle aged men can't seem to grasp their hold on the party was irrevocably broken by Barack Obama and a flood of new ideas and unorthodox candidates will become the norm for the party.  It is possible there will be a further exodus of white men from the democratic party in future years, but I think most of the rank and file defectors are already voting republican due to racial considerations.  The small number  of party bigwigs still hope to preserve the "white men in charge" illusion.  That ship has sailed.  Let's celebrate diversity.  People of color, women and old white guys with crazy ideas like economic equality!

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