Monday, August 31, 2015

Hot times

As even casual readers of this blog know, I complain about the weather.  Most of us who grow significant amounts of vegetables or fruits fret about extremes of weather last week it was too cool in the morning.  This week promises to be too hot for the first week of Sept. on the NCR.  Mid to upper 80s with dry weather except for isolated T-Storms on Thursday is a good recipe to ripen many crops, but most of those were drowned by the incessant rain we had earlier in the season.  The majority of the replacements I planted and transplanted are cool season crops which don't need hot and dry conditions to mature.  The lettuces and brassicas would do well in much cooler conditions.  I still have to transplant the last two lettuce schedules along with some nappa cabbage and bok choy.  That will require a lot of hand watering to get the plants off to a reasonable start.   On the brighter side, we harvested enough tomatoes over the weekend to make a large batch of sauce.  The tomatoes hung in during the worst of the rain and while not a bumper crop, at least there will be some to harvest.  Doubtless next week will bring more weather to distress me.

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