Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Good News, Bad News

Turned on the radio this morning and as usual, the news was bad for Hillary and wonderful for Bush.  Clinton's use of a private server for her e-mails as Secretary of  State is universally proclaimed as a terrible faux pas by virtually every pundit.  Meanwhile, aside from the 30% of voters who thought the Shrub was a great president no one really cares how Ms. Clinton sent or received e-mails.  The system of classifying government documents is so byzantine, I'm sure the dog food served to the Obama's dogs is a top secret "need to know" document somewhere.  The whole "scandal" is a nothingburger which aligns with the Clinton rules.  Meanwhile, Shrub's little brother decides it is time to blame the entire mess in the Middle East on the present administration and there is no pushback from the media.  They merely report the outrageous tripe he spewed at the Reagan library in front of a friendly crowd as if it were gospel.  Without Bush, there would have been no broken Iraq which spawned the Islamic State, but no commenters managed to make that factual leap when reporting the story.  Such is the state of the media today.

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