Thursday, August 27, 2015

Refugee Armageddon

The latest story of refugee exodus involves Syrians trying to escape the turmoil in their own country by migrating to Germany and Sweden, both of which have liberal resettlement policies.  Unfortunately, in order to get to these promised lands, they have to run the gauntlet of the Balkan countries and Hungary.  The latter is now constructing a 100 mile wall of razor wire to keep the migrants out.  Or at least that is what the government is telling its xenophobic population.  This is just a precursor of what is to come around the world.  Here in America, we have The Donald bragging about a 1000 mile wall across the southern border to keep out illegals.  In Asia, the Malaysians are keeping out refugees from Myanmar and India is trying to stem the flow of Bangladeshis.  As sea levels rise and the political systems around the world try to deal with an ever  increasing tide of migrants trying to escape ecological and political catastrophes, the Golden Rule is being ignored and replaced by a "I've got mine" mentality which bodes ill for a world facing a rising tide of homeless, hopeless people, beggared by policies they had no hand in making.

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