Friday, August 14, 2015

Greedy Geezers and the Social Safety Net

Throughout most of mankind's history, the elderly have been seen as a disposable resource.   As long as they could contribute to the common good they were tolerated, but once seen as a drag on scarce resources, in most societies they were encouraged to hurry up and die.  Most western democracies have changed that dynamic with social security and other old age pension mechanisms.   These programs allow the elderly to live out their natural spans in relative comfort.  In the US, the Social Security program is celebrating its 80th anniversary and it remains very popular among young and old alike.  It is remarkable that Republicans fought against the program from its inception through the present and yet seem to pay few penalties for their opposition to it and Medicare, which is celebrating its 50th year.  I think most of us can't imagine a society in which the old are consigned to poverty or begging their progeny for shelter, but if it was up to one of the major political parties, we would be heading back to a time where the elderly were considered a mixed blessing at best.  Both Social Security and Medicare need attention if they are to be preserved for future generations.  The fixes are relatively easy at this time, but they require political will and a nudge from voters.  The Tea Party and their ilk, relatively wealthy, older, white Americans seem to feel we can't afford dignity for those of us who didn't win the lottery or inherit wealth or make the many decisions which lead to comfortable retirement.  We need to elect people who would continue an honorable tradition of care for the previous generations.

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