Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Marketing in the depths of summer

As we approach the home stretch of summer, the living may be easy, but the selling is not.  This year, the run up to Labor Day is one long slog as growers and brokers try to keep crops moving in an orderly fashion.   While there are a few hot items in the produce fields, most of the veg is moving with glacial slowness.  Over many years I have heard just about every excuse for the August swoon.  Everyone is on vacation, it is too hot, the economy is down, everyone is spending on back to school.  It's the dog ate my homework syndrome.  Personally, I have always felt it is a combination of the above, plus the glut of local produce running into the established year round distribution system from California and foreign sources.  If anything, people use more produce this time of year, but the cornucopia available overwhelms our ability to eat it all.   That's my story and I'm sticking with it.

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