Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Coming to terms with climate change

The President is tackling the climate issue via regulation, since he expects to get no help from Congress in this regard.  Even the most virulent critics of the science behind the changing weather are not directly questioning the theory of human induced change.  They have just decided to fight any tactic used by the government to combat the change.   It is amazing to me that the men behind this obstruction, fathers and grandfathers all can't seem to look beyond the fight at the moment and realize the horrific legacy they are bequeathing their children and grandchildren.  I guess they believe the 1% will be able to ride out the worst of the effects in gated communities protected from the elements as the rest of the population is left to fend for themselves.  Floods, drought, fires and increasingly violent storms will certainly exert a Darwinian influence on billions of people in coming generations.   What will future historians, if there are any, think of the men and women who are leading the obstructionists.

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