Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Clown Car Follies

For those with cast iron stomachs and a taste for irony, tonight should be amusing, to say the least.   At 9 p.m. after the JV game, the "heavyweights" of the republican presidential field will square off for a softball game with Faux News.  Immediately following that broadcast, Jon Stewart will make his farewell to the Daily Show on the Comedy Channel.  He couldn't have possibly planned the laugh-fest with the Fox News debate in mind....  Oh well, I'll have to try and stay awake long enough to get Stewart's take on the highs and lows of the 3 ring circus he will be following.  As a lifelong Democrat who sometimes veers to the left of Bernie Sanders, watching the debate tonight will be like trying to decipher some sort of alien code.  How any rational being with even a smidgeon of compassion for his fellow man can buy into any of the nonsense being peddled by this collection of candidates is way beyond me.  The guiding philosophy of the 2015 Republican party seems to be to use what's left of the government to shovel benefits to the 1% while telling the rest of us this wholesale theft is in our best interests.  At least the Roman Empire provided bread and circuses for the plebes in the capital city.   I hope Jon Stewart remains a gadfly during this election cycle.  We need a few intentional laughs during the next 16 months.

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