Friday, August 7, 2015

Comings and goings

Jon Stewart signed off last night with a parting salute from the Boss.   Going out to the strains of "Born to Run", Stewart left us with a parting sermon on the detection of Bullshit in America.  Any organization which uses titles like "Americans for Patriotic Freedom Family Values and Economics" is sniff worthy.   Of course, he could have been talking about the Republican Freak Show on Fox last night.  The odor of bull by-products was detectable all the way from Cleveland as the Chris Wallace, Megyn Kelly and Bret Bair did their best to undermine The Donald to the advantage of the rest of the Clown Car.  It remains to be seen if their efforts will show up in the next set of polls.  Trump remained defiant amid some audience booing when he refused to pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee.    I hope Stewart remains a public figure during the rest of the run-up to the 2016 elections.   We need his brand of wise satire as an antidote to the BS which will be pitched by both parties.

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