Monday, August 10, 2015

It's the Obama--Stupid

The biggest hurdle the eventual Republican candidate will face is how to portray the last 8 years as a failure of policy.  All the "can't miss" issues, the economy, obamacare, foreign policy, have all been successes to some degree.  So, aside from the 25-30% who believe Obama is the antichrist, what have the occupants of the clown car got.  At the recent debate, attacks on Donald Trump obscured the fact that aside from god, guns and gays, most of the candidates were more interested in attacking Hillary than the president.  The scenario is looking more and more like the 1988 election where the elder Bush succeeded Reagan by if not running on St. Ronnie's record at least not running away from it.  That would seem to be a wise choice for the eventual Democratic nominee.

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