Friday, May 31, 2013

Playing catchup

Not the variety in the squeeze bottle.  If the weather will only cooperate and not dump more rain on the NCR this weekend, there is hope for some needed planting to be done.  The peppers need to go out and few more tomatoes.  Seeding beans, basil, cilantro and other warm season crops would be nice, and of course there are the weeds to be thought of.  If there is ever a time when I consider abandoning the garden for the summer, this is it.  I know now I can never have the garden I imagined this past winter.  The combination of cold and dry with cold and wet and now hot and wet have either damaged or foreclosed many of the crops I had hoped to grow.  Of course there is still a good chunk of gardening season left, so despair is not an option.  I just need to adjust to the new reality.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it at least until Monday. 

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