Monday, May 27, 2013


After the drenching we got from Thursday to Sunday (I estimate somewhere between 5 and 6 inches of rain here on the NCR)  Mother Nature decided to remind us that while it may be Memorial Day, we are still in the North Country.   Last night, the temp. dipped to 33 in Plattsburgh.  I believe we were slightly warmer in Peru, but still too cold for this time of year.  This day promises sunshine and slightly warmer temps than we have had recently, but working in the garden today and probably tomorrow would do more harm than good with the wet conditions.  It will take several dry days to get the soil dry again.  Low spots are still under water.  I would guess we are at least a week behind after this inundation.   Certainly any grower who hasn't finished planting corn will be fighting to get it in before it is too late.  There is still time for soybean growers, but the wet cool weather is keeping soil temps too low for good germination even if drying conditions improve.  Of course the Weather Service is predicting 90 degrees this coming Saturday, so as we say in the farming, we'll reach our average.

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